24.04.2019     Alitalia - AZ (055)     AZ     ADM policy

Alitalia - AZ (055). ADM policy

We remind that the Agent is responsible for the proper issuance of tickets, in compliance with tariffs, rules, general conditions of carriage and instructions provided by the Carrier. Travel Agent obligations are described in IATA Resolution 824.

The Agent is asked to inform passengers that the Carrier reserves the right to make inspections concerning the use of Traffic Documents and to demand, if needed, the payment of the difference between the fare paid and the applicable one. In case of refusal, the boarding may be denied.

The Agent should also inform passengers that the Carrier will honour every flight coupon only when correctly used, following the right sequence and from the point of origin as per fare calculation shown on the ticket, as specified by the applicable Carrier’s General Conditions of Carriage in effect at the time of ticket issuance.

Therefore, any irregular use of ticket or flight coupons sequence will invalidate the whole Traffic Document.
In case of flight / date / booking class change, made after ticket issuance, whenever the payment of a charge or a difference is needed, the ticket must be reissued. Tickets can be revalidated if changes of flight/date are in the original booking class and/or if any applicable penalties are paid through the issuance of a VMPD/EMD-S.

ADMs are a legitimate accounting tool to be used by the Carrier to collect amounts or make adjustments to Agent transactions related to the issuance and use of Traffic Documents issued by the Agent, regardless of which airlines are included in ticket itinerary. Subject to agreement with the Agent, alternative uses of ADMs may exist: an ADM could also be issued for debits that are not directly related to Traffic Documents, e.g. deposits or penalties for group sales.

Unless justified evidence to the contrary, the agent owes the Carrier the amount shown on the ADM as per memo reason. The Carrier will endeavour to provide as

ADM – политика авиакомпании для агентов, работающих в рамках прямых агентских соглашений и агентов BSP: Перечень нарушений правил бронирования, требований по оформлению перевозочной документации и отчетности + Перечень санкций

дополнительно см. вложенные файлы



АДМ,ИАТА,резолюция,инструкция,АМАДЕУС,Габриэль,Галилео,Сирена Трэвел

ВАЖНО!!!   Информация и ссылки размещенные на данном ресурсе не могут быть использованы в коммерческих целях. При возникновении споров и предъявлении претензий они также не могут быть использованы в качестве юридического документа. В связи с развитием систем бронирований, изменением правил и технологий перевозчиков, возможны обновления форматов. Актуальную информацию  смотрите на сайтах авиакомпаний и GDS - раздел для агентов

GDS Примеры . Продажа, Возврат, Обмен, SSR & EMD
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