11.06.2019     Icelandair - FI (108)     FI     ADM policy

Icelandair - FI (108). ADM policy

As a service to its customers and at Icelandairs specific request, IATA may make available, via BSPLink, communications from Icelandair to its appointed agents.

Such communications in no way represent or reflect the opinions or policies of IATA. The information contained in these communications is provided by and remains the responsibility of Icelandair in the communication and is intended only for the access, use and benefit of certain designated BSPLink users. IATA accepts no liability for any misrepresentation contained in such material; for the accuracy of the content; for any use of, or reliance on, the information contained in such material; and/or for the access of such materials by BSPLink users to whom such material is not directed.

Any problems or complaints concerning such material must be referred directly to Icelandair on whose behalf such material has been made available.

дополнительно см. вложенные файлы

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